Monday, December 21, 2009

Best Albums of 2009: No. 5 Death Cab For Cutie's Open Door EP

Should an EP qualify as an album of the year?

Probably not. I mean, five songs? Really? Kinda of lazy on the selector's part right?

But this EP makes up for the steaming pile that the future Mr. Deschanel put out in 2008.

Five absolutely perfect DCFC songs. The country twangyness of Little Bribes, the best song about Las Vegas since Elvis shimmied his way through his Viva version. The Talking Bird redo, better than the version on Narrow Stairs.

But it's the masterful songwriting of a Diamond and a Tether that hooks you. Yes Virginia, it is still possible for Ben Gibbard to write a great song.

I figure most albums only have five good songs. Seems this EP just cut out the crap you wouldn't listen to anyways.

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