Friday, October 31, 2008

Ryan Adams and The Cardinals - Cardinology


Just Ugh.

It's sad. The last two EPs, "Follow the Lights" and "Easy Tiger" were such masterpieces. They were both worthy successors to "Heartbreaker", "Gold", and "Jacksonville City Nights."

But this... Each song trips into the other. The first single, "Fix It" is self indulgent and an ugly song. The opener, "Born Into a Light" is a miserable piece of writing and sounds.

The album doesn't get pleasant until "Crossed Out Name." Adams is at his best when he's vulnerable, when he's trying to reach across and connect with you. When he doesn't achieve that element, the song fails miserably.

I'm a Ryan Adams fan. Just a disappointed one right now.

1 comment:

Adam said...

"Easy Tiger" isn't an EP.